Just What the Doctor Ordered
The origins of the mint julep and its connection to the Kentucky Derby has been mythologized widely, but here are a few of our favorite fun facts about the history of Derby’s signature cocktail.
The origins of the mint julep and its connection to the Kentucky Derby has been mythologized widely, but here are a few of our favorite fun facts about the history of Derby’s signature cocktail.
Post-1960 Derby celebrations saw an explosion of creativity and exuberance and personal expression. Derby Day will always be the best place to go big, or go home.
I’m here to tell you about the Kentucky Turtle Derby and a brave—but very slow—little terrapin named Broken Spring.
Throughout their history, the Twin Spires have served as a promotional vehicle, been a source of important stories and provided a strong sense of place.
Part two of our history of Derby ensembles takes a look at the rapidly-evolving frocks and trimmings for fashionable trackside ladies through the Jazz Age and into wartime.
We challenge the at-home detective in you to help us figure out this mystery!
Part of an introduction to the start of a new photo project at the Derby Museum.