Derby vs Oaks - 30 Days Until Derby

With 30 days until Derby, why not expand your Kentucky Derby knowledge! Do you know that the Friday before the Kentucky Derby, there is a running of fillies only called the Kentucky Oaks? On this day, people dress in their brightest shades of pink, drink signature Lilly’s and bet on who is going to win the “Lillies for the Fillies.”
The Kentucky Oaks has run without interruption since 1875 and on the Friday prior to the Kentucky Derby since 1944. Before the races were on separate days, some fillies would actually run in both races on the same day!
While the winner of the Kentucky Derby gets a sash of red roses, the winner of the Oaks gets a sash made of Lilly’s and a silver trophy. To learn more about the two races and see some awesome artifacts, visit the Kentucky Derby Museum!